Walking in His Footsteps: Six Principles for Establishing a Moral Order Rooted in Jesus

As Christian parents, we carry the responsibility of raising godly children to shine brightly for Jesus amid the darkening culture around them. We long to instill kingdom values and a moral foundation aligned with God's ways into their tender souls. 

But with each passing year, it seems to grow more difficult. The very air our children breathe is permeated with ungodly messages and distorted worldviews opposed to biblical truth. From media influences to peer pressure, it feels like walking against the tide as we try to nurture virtue and righteousness. 

How can we guide their moral formation amid such competing voices? How do we impress God's commands so profoundly that they stick when tempted to shrug off faith? 

We find answers by examining how Jesus' words and actions modeled integrity and spiritual authority. As fully God yet also fully human, Christ faced the same sort of opposition and persecution our children encounter. 

Scripture exhorts us as parents to discuss God's principles at every opportunity within daily life (Deuteronomy 6:7-9). But even more importantly, our faith lifestyles and modeled choices will impart conviction in ways no lecture can achieve. As our children witness us walking even as He walked, it ignites a hunger for their intimate relationship with the Heavenly Father. 

By taking cues from Jesus' example, we gain kingdom insights to shape family culture rooted in timeless biblical values. What should this look like practically? Here are six key guidelines: 

1.Cultivate Intimate Relationship   

Jesus' entire ministry flowed out of a deep connection with the Father. Rising early for prayers and frequently slipping away to isolated places, Jesus modeled absolute dependence (Mark 1:35). He only did what He saw the Father doing and spoke the Father's words (John 5:19, 8:28).   

We must demonstrate this laser focus to our children. Despite demanding schedules, we prioritize listening to prayer and Scripture meditation. We talk about what God teaches us, how His truth informs decisions, and the blessings of anchoring in His presence.   

Children wired for activity may initially resist quiet times. But as they witness the overflow of wisdom, discernment, and alignment with Christ that intimacy brings, they begin desiring the same. 

2. Champion the Marginalized

Jesus defied social barriers by engaging those whom religious society shunned: women, lepers, Gentiles, and prostitutes. He touched "untouchables," defending a formerly immoral woman's value when the Pharisees condemned her (Luke 7:36-50).   

We must teach children that all people have equal worth in God's eyes. We can serve alongside them in homeless shelters, pregnancy centers, and inner-city programs. We Stand against racism and cruelty directed at minorities, modeling humble service rather than entitlement. 

3. Challenge Legalism  

Though fully God, Jesus submitted to water baptism, modeling the way for every believer (Matthew 3:13-17). Yet the religious elite leveraged laws to control and judge others. Jesus confronted manufactured rules burdening people (Mark 7:1-23). 

It's easier to impose external regulations on children rather than doing the hard work of nurturing internal convictions. But just as Jesus prioritized mercy over sacrifice (Matthew 12:7), we must teach relationship over religion. Our homes become unbreachable strongholds when they operate in grace and acceptance.  

4. Forgive and Restore

When pious Pharisees prepared to stone the adulterous woman, Jesus enabled her new beginning by refusing to condemn her past (John 8:2-11). He saw people not for their sins but for what His redemption could make them.   

We help children internalize this "culture of honor" – covering others' flaws with mercy-driven wisdom (1 Peter 4:8). We distinguish failure from identity, assuring beloved acceptance while inspiring better choices through relationships.    

5. Reject Entitlement, Embrace Servanthood  

Despite holding the universe's highest position at the Father's side, Jesus willingly stepped down. "\...He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant\..." (Philippians 2:7). During His earthly ministry, Jesus so identified as a house servant that many addressed Him as such (John 13:1-17).   

We must battle the cultural influences breeding privileged, "are owed" mentalities in our youth. Though honoring their dignity, we demonstrate clerical tasks and menial labor right alongside them. We discuss passages such as Mark 10:42-45, highlighting that greatness comes through humility.

6. Model Costly Investment 

Jesus willingly relinquished heavenly perfection to shoulder humanity's sinful curse on the cross. Though completely innocent, He suffered brutally and poured out His very lifeblood to purchase our redemption. He took our rightful punishment to defeat sin and death once and for all before tearfully crying, "It is finished!" His passion and anguish result in our healing, freedom, and restoration. How can we shape our children to grasp this astonishing self-sacrificial love? 

We reject teaching self-focused living by making personal sacrifices to benefit others. We generously give time, emotional energy, earthly resources, and prayer support even when inconvenient. We choose to love unconditionally, repeatedly forgiving offenses. We serve anonymously behind the scenes, absorbing frustration when unappreciated. We go above and beyond reasonable expectations - not as burdensome religious rituals but as a joyful privilege of laying down our lives.  

Final Thoughts: Partnering with God in Our Child's Moral Formation 

When we walk in Jesus' steps and model His principles in everyday moments, we tangibly teach children His ways. Our examples impart conviction and shape tender consciences to align with truth.   

Of course, we will fail and fall short despite our best intentions. But apologizing for hypocrisy and demonstrating humility when inconsistent teaches as much as getting it right.   

Through prayers of blessing keyed to Scriptures, we also access supernatural help molding our children’s moral fiber. As we intercede for them to own righteous character, the Holy Spirit develops these traits from the inside out. He is the ultimate Cultivator, uprooting weeds from tender soil. 

We at Praying for Your Child aim to support you in your high and holy calling to nurture godly children. We offer biblical parenting wisdom and topically targeted prayers for family and decrees to help young hearts embrace Jesus' life-giving ways.   

Let's join in prayer and partnership to align this emerging generation with Almighty God's beautiful kingdom ways. 

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